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Migration to i18next-vue v4.x

There are few breaking changes migrating from i18next-vue version 3 to version 4.

If you are migrating from older versions, see Migration to i18next-vue v3.x first.

If you are still using the i18nOptions component options, it makes sense to upgrade to version 3 first. Then iteratively migrate all its uses to useTranslation() with its new parameters. Then you can easily upgrade to 4.x.

Breaking changes

New/changed functionality

No new functionality. This is a cleanup-only release.

Migration to i18next-vue v5.x

(Re-phrasing the Vue Router changelog for an analogous change):

This release replaces declare module '@vue/runtime-core' with declare module 'vue' like it's supposed to be. If you (or packages you use) are also augmenting @vue/runtime-core, you will likely have to change it to vue. It is also recommended to use an up-to-date TypeScript version (>=5.4) and "moduleResolution": "Bundler" in your tsconfig.json.

New/changed functionality

No other changes/migration necessary.