// with options
i18n.init({ lng: "en-US" });
// "later"
var x = i18n.t("key");
// with callback
i18n.init(function(err, t) {
var x = t("key");
// with both
i18n.init({ lng: "en-US" }, function(err, t) {
var x = t("key");
i18n.init({ lng: 'en-US' });
Resources will be resolved in this order:
i18n.setLng(lng, callback)
returns current lng.i18n.setLng('en-US', function(err, t) { /* loading done */ });
you could fix the language by calling it this way:
i18n.setLng('en-US', { fixLng: true }, function(enUS) { /* done */ });
every call to enUS ( enUS(key, opts) ) will return in enUS even if setLng is called again in different lng
If language is not set explicitly i18next tries to detect the user language by:
i18n.init({ useCookie: false })
.i18n.init({ detectLngFromHeaders: false })
.Alternatively you can init i18next to set language from requested route:
i18n.init({ detectLngFromPath: 0 }); // default false
Just set the value to the index where the language value is, eg.:
Hint: to set i18next to set language to fallbackLng if no locale could be set by path you could set init option 'forceDetectLngFromPath' to true. This will stop any further lookup via querystring or cookie.
To avoid i18next returning unsupported languages you could set an array of
supported languages on init:i18n.init({supportedLngs: ['en', 'de']})
.i18n.init({ detectLngQS: 'lang' });
The current locale to set will be looked up in the new parameter: ?lang=en-US
i18n.init({ cookieName: 'lang' }); /* default 'i18next' */
The current locale to set and looked up in the given cookie parameter.
i18n.init({ cookieDomain: '*.mydomain.com' });
Sets the cookie domain to given value.
i18n.init({ useCookie: false });
Use this only if your sure that language will be provided by the other lookup options or set programatically.
i18n.init({ preload: ['de-DE', 'fr'] });
The additional languages will be preloaded.
i18n.init({ fallbackLng: 'en' });
// or
i18n.init({ fallbackLng: ['fr', 'en'] });
If not set it will default to 'dev'. If turned on, all missing key/values will be sent to this language.
Production Hint: set fallback language to some meaningful language, eg. 'en'
i18n.init({ fallbackLng: false });
As the fallbackLng will default to 'dev' you can turn it off by setting the option value to false. This will prevent loading the fallbacks resource file and any futher look up of missing value inside a fallback file.
This will help you optimizing the loading behaviour. In combination with setting fallbackLng to false you can reduce the requests to the server to one!
i18n.init({ load: 'current' });
If load option is set to current i18next will load the current set language (this could be a specific (en-US) or unspecific (en) resource file).
Hint: to prevent loading the fallbackLng's resource file set fallbackLng to false.
i18n.init({ load: 'unspecific' });
If set to unspecific i18next will always load the unspecific resource file (eg. en instead of en-US).
Hint: to prevent loading the fallbackLng's resource file set fallbackLng to false.
i18n.init({ debug: true });
If something went wrong you might find some helpful information on console log.
i18n.init(function(err, t) {
var appName = t("key");
after callback is called you can use the translation function 't' to access your resources in given language.
// tree: lng -> namespace -> key -> nested key
var resources = {
dev: { translation: { 'key': 'value' } },
en: { translation: { 'key': 'value' } },
'en-US': { translation: { 'key': 'value' } }
i18n.init({ resStore: resources });
As you provide the resources the callbacks will fire immediatly and no external resources will be loaded!
var option = { resGetPath: 'locales/__lng__/__ns__.json' };
Will load 'locales/en-US/translation.json'.
If language is set to 'en-US' following resource files will be loaded one-by-one:
Hint: to lowercase countryCode in requests, eg. to 'en-us' set option lowerCaseLng = true
var option = { resGetPath: 'locales/__ns__-__lng__.json' };
Will load 'locales/translation-en-US.json'.
var option = { ns: 'resource' };
Will load:
(Default namespace is 'translation'.)
var option = {
ns: {
namespaces: ['app', 'buttons'],
defaultNs: 'app'
i18n.init(option, function(err, t) {
// access default namespace
var x = t("any.key.from.app")
// to access another namespace prepend [ns]:
var y = t("buttons:any.key.from.buttons")
Will load:
default is filesystem
Options are:
npm install i18next.mongoDb
var i18nextMongoSync = require('i18next.mongoDb')
host: "localhost",
port: 27017,
dbName: "i18next"
resCollectionName: "resources",
username: "usr",
password: "pwd",
options: {
auto_reconnect: true, // default true
ssl: false // default false
}, function() {
npm install i18next.redis
var i18nextRedisSync = require('i18next.redis')
host: "localhost",
port: 27017,
database: 0
// resCollectionName: "resources",
}, function() {
npm install i18next.couchdb
var i18nextCouchSync = require('i18next.couchdb')
host: "http://localhost",
port: 5984,
dbName: "i18next"
resCollectionName: "resources",
options: {
cache: true, // default true
raw: false, // default false
secure: true, // default false
auth: { username: 'usr', password: 'pwd' } // default none
}, function() {
// loading loadResourceSet(lng, ns, cb)
backend.fetchOne("en-US," "myNamespace", function(err, resourceSet) { ... });
// saving saveResourceSet(lng, ns, resouceSet, cb)
var myResourceSet = {...};
backend.saveResourceSet("en-US", "myNamespace", myResourceSet, function(err) {
// handle err
The additional database backends where provided thanks to adrai.
npm install i18next.remotesync
var remoteSync = require('i18next.remotesync')
resGetPath: 'http://myServer.com/locales/__lng__/__ns__.json',
resPostPath: 'http://myServer.com/locales/add/__lng__/__ns__'
// resUpdatePath: 'http://myServer.com/locales/update/__lng__/__ns__',
// resREmovePath: 'http://myServer.com/locales/remove/__lng__/__ns__'
remote sync just uses request to get or set resources from a remote location.
npm install i18next.gettext
var gettextSync = require('i18next.gettext')
i18n.init({ resGetPath: 'locales/__lng__/__ns__.mo' }); // or .po
gettext-sync only supports loading resources! Saving of missing resources is not yet supported.
i18n.t('messages:login failed!')
you could pass it via options i18n.t('login failed!', { ns: 'messages' }).
i18n.t('this will break. because of the dot')
) you could change the separators, like:i18n.init({
keyseparator: '::',
nsseparator: ':::'
to prevent issues.npm install i18next.yaml
var yamlSync = require('i18next.yaml')
i18n.init({ resGetPath: 'locales/__lng__/__ns__.yml' }); // or .yaml
yaml-sync only supports loading resources! Saving of missing resources is not yet supported.
i18n.t('messages:login failed!')
you could pass it via options i18n.t('login failed!', { ns: 'messages' }).
i18n.t('this will break. because of the dot')
) you could change the separators, like:i18n.init({
keyseparator: '::',
nsseparator: ':::'
to prevent issues.