i18next-conv - gettext support for i18next
i18next-conv converts files from gettext (.mo/.po) to i18next's json format and vice versa.
All credits go to:
- andri9's node-gettextfor .mo and .po files parser
- TJ Holowaychuk's commander.jsfor console program
1. install node.js from nodejs.org
npm install i18next-conv -g
To use the program you should install the npm package globally (with -g flag).
If you get encounter any accessright errors try install with admin-rights (sudo).
convert gettext to i18next JSON
in your console type:
for help:i18next-conv -h
to convert a .mo or .po file to json:i18next-conv -l [domain] -s [sourcePath] -t [targetPath]
quiet mode: i18next-conv -l [domain] -s [sourcePath] -t [targetPath] --quiet
eg.: i18next-conv -l en -s ./locales/en.po -t ./locales/en/translation.json
if no target (-t) is specified, the file will be stored next to the source directory: [sourceDir]/[domain]/translation.json.
convert i18next JSON to gettext files
in your console type:
for help:i18next-conv -h
to convert a json to .mo or .po file:i18next-conv -l [domain] -s [sourcePath] -t [targetPath]
quiet mode: i18next-conv -l [domain] -s [sourcePath] -t [targetPath] --quiet
eg. for .mo file:
i18next-conv -l en -s ./locales/en/translation.json -t ./locales/en/translation.mo
eg. for .po file:
i18next-conv -l en -s ./locales/en/translation.json -t ./locales/en/translation.po
if no target (-t) is specified, the file will be stored next to the source directory in .po format: [sourceDir]/[domain]/translation.po.