i18next - Sample

A little sample to see i18next in action.

switching current language

by querystring:

Just add '?setLng=en-US' to the location href.

Alternatively you can set language by:

  1. setting lng on init or setLng function
  2. setting i18next cookie
  3. or just let i18next get it from navigator object

basic translation

without or default namespace

loaded resource file (JSON):

"app": {
"name": "i18next"

javascript code:


with namespace

loaded resource file (namespace ns.common!):

"add": "add"

javascript code:



i18next way

loaded resource file (JSON):

"app": {
"insert": "you are __youAre__"

javascript code:

i18n.t("app.insert", {youAre: "great"})

with sprintf

loaded resource file (JSON):

"app": {
"sprintf": "The first 4 letters of the english alphabet are: %s, %s, %s and %s"

javascript code:

i18n.t("app.sprintf", { postProcess: "sprintf", sprintf: ["a", "b", "c", "d"] })



i18next supports all plural forms of the different languages (not only the simple ones).


loaded resource file (JSON):

"app": {
"child": "__count__ child",
"child_plural": "__count__ children"

javascript code:

i18n.t("app.child", {count: 1}); // -> singular
.t("app.child", {count: 3}); // -> plural


nesting of resource values

eg. to build up a glossary.

loaded resource file (JSON):

"app": {
"area": "Area 51",
"district": "District 9 is more fun than $t(app.area)"

javascript code:




eg. for gender specific translations

loaded resource file (JSON):

"app": {
"friend_context": "A friend",
"friend_context_male": "A boyfriend",
"friend_context_female": "A girlfriend"

javascript code:

i18n.t("app.friend_context", {context: ""}); // -> A friend
.t("app.friend_context", {context: "male"}); // -> A boyfriend
.t("app.friend_context", {context: "female"}); // -> A girlfriend

usage with jquery fc

setting text of elements:

html snipplet:

<ul class="nav">
<li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.home"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.page1"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.page2"></a></li>

loaded resource file (JSON):

"nav": {
"home": "home",
"page1": "page one",
"page2": "page two"

javascript code:


html snipplet:

<button id="btn" data-i18n="ns.common:add"></button>

loaded resource file (with namespace ns.common):

"add": "add"

javascript code:


setting other attributes of elements:

You can set multiple attributes by seperating them with ';'

Just add attributes name to set inside brackets in front of key:

html snipplet:

<div id="extendedAttr">
<input data-i18n="[placeholder]ns.common:attr.placeholder;" type="text"></input>
<button data-i18n="[title]ns.common:attr.title;btn.hoverMe;"></button>

javascript code:


You can pass in options for plural, context, ...$(".mySelector").i18n(options);

setting inner html:

Just add attributes name to set inside brackets in front of key:

html snipplet:

<div id="innerHtml" data-i18n="[html]html.content;">

loaded resource file (with namespace ns.common):

"html": {
"content": [
"<p>row one</p>",
"<p>row two</p>",
"<p>row three</p>"

javascript code:


translation ui

i18next - webtranslate:

Documentation can be found here